
Love one another as Jesus has loved us.

In the absence of moral clarity, humans are easily deceived by satan and his allies. Unable to discern evil paradigms— philosophies, they willingly participate in satan’s plan to destroy mankind, including his collaborators.  There was a time when evil existed in the shadows. Hiding behind masks of tolerance, intellectual enlightenment and individuality.  No more! When …

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What’s your definition of success?
Like beauty, success is in the eye of the beholder. My criteria for success may differ from yours, and therein lays the problem. Whenever you attempt to define success according to the wisdom of man, it’s continually subject to change and interpretation. This inconsistency leads to confusion and unfulfilled expectations.

Individuals are left in a quandary as to how to conduct their lives.

King Solomon eventually realized that when temporal success is your ultimate goal in life. It can be fueled by ungodly, evil desires.

I love epic movies such as The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Braveheart and Elizabeth. Brave men and women engaged in a battle to the death. Boldly confronting the evil of the day so others are freed from tyranny. Saying no temporal rewards and yes to sacrificial living. Heroism is deeply embedded in our DNA. …

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